It is essential that the 8th Grade class find a Commencement and Reception co-Chair! 

This chair will work with a group of 8th grade students to create the commencement ceremony theme, artwork, programs and select a class song for their commencement ceremony held in the Eastlake Theatre in June 2017.  This date might seem like it is far away, but it will be here all too soon!  Having a Commencement/Reception co-Chair selected now is vital to the success of the program!

The Reception portion of the co-chair works with volunteers (generally 6th and 7th grade parents) who work the reception following commencement.  The party is a simple cake and drinks held at RSAR.  The 8th Grade Commencement co-chair often works closely with Legacy Project chair; as the Legacy gift is given to the teachers during commencement.   We already have Greta Climer set for co-Chair the Legacy Project!

6th and 7th grade parents are encouraged to assist the 8th Grade Commencement co-Chairs with programs and any other necessary help, in order to learn what is needed to do for future commencements; Program Lead and Teacher's Gifts (works with photographer and students to personalize photo gift for teachers) are also volunteer positions that need to be filled, and could be filled by 6th or 7th grade parents as well.

If any of these interest you please contact Adrienne Czechowski or any PTSA Board Member.