2021-22 PTSA Mission and Goals

RSAR Mission and Goals Statement

1)  We, the PTSA, want to share the National PTSA mission, RSAR vision and goals with the school so that we can better support and work together as partners.
National Mission:  The overall purpose of PTA is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
RSAR Mission:  Our general membership will strive to enrich the education and community environment by supporting the health, welfare, and education of the students at Renaissance School of Art and Reasoning.
To obtain 100% membership.
To raise funds through parent contributions.
To support enrichment programs, school events or activities, school clubs that benefit all students.
To provide volunteer support for the school.
To welcome the RSAR community (teachers, parents and students) by encouraging involvement at any level.
To make meaningful connections with EHS, local businesses, the city of Sammamish and other organizations in our community
To exercise the foresight to plan for the future.
To increase awareness of programs and resources provided.
2)   We, the PTSA, want to partner closer with RSAR Teachers, the RSAR staff and Eastlake staff or representative so we are more in sync.
To have RSAR staff representation at some of our BOD meetings so we know the needs and pulse of the school and vice versa.
To have RSAR staff at our General Membership meetings.  We currently have 3 per year.
To have Eastlake staff attend the first General Membership Meeting – introductions as Principal/Assoc. Principal and meet/greet parents at the beginning of the year.
To have the Head Teacher attend the first General Membership Meeting and share the organizational structure of our school and roles of Administrator, Head Teacher, Principal, support staff like counselors, nurse, psychologist(?), etc. so parents know where to turn.
To have Administrator attend the first Membership Meeting to introduce and welcome parents.
3)   We, the PTSA, are putting into place a clearer and defined grant request process (one-time and recurring) which will be available for staff, parents and students.
The process will define how to submit requests.
The BOD will appoint a committee to manage it.
The new committee and process will enable fiscal responsibility of financial support to the school and community.
We will present the new process at the first Membership Meeting in September.
This process will allow PTSA to better track, research with due diligence and approve grants requested by the community that PTSA could potentially support.
4)   We, the PTSA, intend to do more outreach and building awareness of WHAT we do and our role. 
The intent is to have the community better understand what, how, why and when the PTSA spends the resources and funds.