Are you looking forward to your hard copy of the Student Directory?  And the Online Directory? 

Are you planning to attend Back-to-Business Days?

Are you enjoying the communications through our New PTSA website and Facebook page (RSAR Families)?

Will your student participate in this year's Reflections Art Contest?

Will you bid on an auction basket at the LWSDistrict offices this holiday?

Do you have a student that may take an after-school activity such as a Foreign Language or Ski Bus?

Will you do any chaperoning for field trips or any volunteering?  (Thank you, if you already have!)

Are you excited for the upcoming Dance Performance, Spring Play and Talent Shows?

And for all of you parents of 8th graders --> this will be your last spring at Renaissance!  Are you looking forward to 8th Grade Legacy Project, Promotion and Class Party/Trip?  Don't forget: your student's Yearbook!

When you give your RSAR PTSA Parent Contribution you are contributing to fund over 30 academic enrichment programs, like the ones in the Enrichment Update article plus all of the additional programs PTSA runs (noted above) and more!

Your donation is the only annual fundraiser that RSAR PTSA will ask you participate in. It is tax deductible.
Plus, if your employer has a matching program RSAR PTSA is eligible to receive additional funds to match your cash donations and/or volunteer hours.  Contact the RSAR PTSA Treasurer for more information about contributions, donations or corporation matching.  Or if you would like to volunteer for any of our Programs, contact our Volunteer Coordinator.